Our gift tree is now up in our Harlow clinic. You can pop in and pick up a gift tag, or you can buy any gift, and drop to us before 14th December.
We also have an easy to use amazon gift list you can purchase online and have shipped directly to us: https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/1BTQQ55GUMSWY/ref=hz_ls_biz_ex?
Or you can donate to our GoFundMe page, monies raised will go towards granting ‘wishes’ from local children. These include things like new coats and shoes, days out and experiences: https://gofund.me/30332bfc
If you would like some gift tags to give to friends or family, or you’re a local business and would like to have gift tags to display at work, please just drop us a message and we’ll arrange for some to be sent to you.
Thank you for all your support