This is the core of what we do here at Varney Green Physiotherapy. It is the process of rehabilitation to reduce pain and restore function following an acute injury or from a longer-term condition. Although physiotherapy, as a whole, covers a wide range of health concerns, including cardiorespiratory and neurological illness, here at the clinic we are specialists in musculoskeletal issues. This involves the treatment in conditions affecting the joints, muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons within the body. We can utilise the fantastic facilities we have in both our clinics, whether that’s in our treatment suites or our modern rehabilitation gym, to work with you in this rehabilitation process.
Our approach within the clinic is to work the patient as a whole. Often, conditions are simple and require some quick treatment and resolve. But we know that the body is an extremely complicated, multi-faceted mechanism and that there is not always a quick magic fix. By assessing effectively, performing the highest-quality hands-on treatment in-clinic, and providing you with the appropriate self-management, we can work with you to get you better.
Suffering with pain can be overwhelming and our main focus when first meeting you as a patient is to ensure that you walk out from the first session having a full understanding of your diagnosis, the treatment we can offer and, more importantly, what you can do to help yourself over the course of rehabilitation. We have found that some putting your mind at rest